Friday at the GYM!!!

Today I set out to do an hour of cardio at the gym as I was feeling really good. Since I am off on Friday's, I thought that I would go after the lunch time hour to beat the crowd. Whew, was I in for a surprise. The gym was packed, extremely. There were a ton of older people there, which really inspires me as I always tell myself "if they can do it so can I". I look at an older person (around 60+) working out, sweating over an elliptical and I can immediately turn it on. I am amazed at how many older people workout daily. I think it is awesome and it gives me inspiration to make fitness a lifetime activity in my own life. I wish I could tell the older people how much they inspire me, I am sure they would be proud : )

Because the gym was crowded, I had to split my hour of cardio up. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical today as seen below.

I impressed myself as I could have totally did an hour nonstop if it wasn't for the rule at the gym I attend (gym rule: limit of 30 minute workout when people are waiting). I feel so good that I will be going back to the gym this evening to do another 30 minutes. If I do this, I will be so proud of myself, definitely a NSV (non-scale victory).

**edit: I did my other 30 minutes on the elliptical and it felt great - woot woot!

In other news, tomorrow is my second weigh in and I feel like I will have a loss. I am extremely excited/nervous for weigh in though. I will blog the results tomorrow.

Here's to a fabulous Friday night.

3 Response to "Friday at the GYM!!!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    March 26, 2010 at 10:21 PM

    Fabulous Friday Night is right... I hit the gym for 45 mins on the elliptical & another 30 on the treadmill... and I hate the treadmill..

    Looking forward to our 25 days in the gym! :)

  2. Patrice-The Soap Seduction says:
    March 26, 2010 at 11:19 PM

    Thanks for stopping by Phat By 40. I'll be watching you:)

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Anonymous Says:
    March 27, 2010 at 8:08 PM

    Don't you hate those time limits? I understand why they are there...but it's like once you hit your groove the time is up.

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